Making available the best in complexity science
The SFI Press endeavors to capture a sense of the diversity, range, breadth, excitement, and ambition of research related to the Santa Fe Institute. To provide a distillation of work at the frontiers of complex-systems science across a range of influential and nascent topics.
To change the way we think.
Complexity, by definition, defies categorization. As a responsive publishing entity embedded in a leading research institution, we are uniquely positioned to keep pace with new developments in the dynamic, boundary-spanning field of Complexity Science.
The Press was founded on the principle that excellent scholarship need not be prohibitively expensive. At every stage of publication, we strive for nimbleness, moving quickly to circulate throughout the world new ideas stemming from work conducted by SFI’s vast network of researchers.
Our volumes range from works intended for a general readership to highly technical monographs for specialized audiences and are written by respected thinkers from around the globe working in fields as diverse as paleobiology, historiography, computer science, quantum physics, and medical anthropology—to name but a few.
New findings emerging from the Institute’s ongoing working groups and research projects, for an audience of interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners.
Fresh editions of classic texts from the complexity canon, spanning the Institute’s four decades of advancing the field.
Provocative, exploratory volumes aiming to build complexity literacy in the humanities, industry, and the curious public.
Texts featuring foundational ideas, systems of knowledge, emerging methodologies, and areas of application in the complex-systems science world.
“When I think about the world of science, when everything is going down the tubes and when ignorance is on the rise, if you could save one place that might start discursive thinking all over again, it would be the Santa Fe Institute.”