The Nash Equilibrium

Foundational Papers in Complexity Science pp. 335–355
DOI: 10.37911/9781947864528.12

The Nash Equilibrium

Author: Robert L. Axtell, George Mason University and Santa Fe Institute



Game theory is a cornerstone of the social sciences today. In its original formulation by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern (1944), a variety of concepts and procedures for solving games was proposed, depending on the nature of the game being played. For example, minimax solutions were advanced for two-person, zero-sum games, that is, games in which what is won by one player is lost by the other. What John Nash’s foundational 1951 paper did, along with the shorter one from 1950, was to provide an alternative solution concept that was more generally applicable, to zero- and non-zero–sum games alike, to games with many players, and so on. This is the idea of an equilibrium point of a game, in which the strategies of players are configured such that no one can be made better off by unilaterally deviating to a different strategy. Nash proved that such equilibria always exist for any game with a finite number of strategies. The Nash equilibrium, as it is today known, has become a focal point for solving essentially all games, and is fundamental to the practice of game theory.

Specifically, consider two players engaged in a game with a finite set of strategies and fixed and known possible payoffs that depend on the strategies employed by the players. A single play of the game amounts to each player selecting a strategy and receiving the corresponding payoff. Each individual strategy is considered “pure” while a mixed strategy involves a set of probabilities for playing each of the pure strategies. For example, consider the children’s game of rock–paper–scissors, played by two players: the rock strategy loses to paper but defeats scissors, while the paper strategy loses to scissors. It is a zero-sum game in which the mixed strategy of playing each of the three pure strategies one-third of the time is intuitively obvious, even to kids. A two-strategy version is “matching pennies”—play “heads” half the time, “tails” the other half.


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