Foundational Papers in Complexity Science pp. 793–822
DOI: 10.37911/9781947864535.25
A General System for Machine Learning
Author: Paul M. B. Vitányi, CWI and University of Amsterdam
Ray J. Solomonoff (1926–2009), founding father of algorithmic information theory, was born in Cleveland, Ohio in the United States. Algorithmic information theory (Li and Vitányi 2019) deals with the shortest effective description length of objects and is commonly designated by the term “Kolmogorov complexity.”
The latter notion was a side product of his approach to induction. His crucial results concerning prediction, in 1960 and later, partially resolve the old philosophical problem of how to obtain a valid prior distribution in Bayes’s rule by showing that a single “universal” distribution can be used instead of any computable prior with almost the same resulting predictions. This may be viewed as a central problem of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistical inference—with the caveat that the universal distribution is incomputable. Solomonoff’s theory has led to feasible induction and prediction procedures (Fine 1973). His contributions to science together with biographical remarks are outlined in Gács and Vitányi (2011) and Li and Vitányi (2019), while his scientific autobiography up to 1997 can be found in Solomonoff (1997).
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