Foundational Papers in Complexity Science pp. 897–926
DOI: 10.37911/9781947864535.28
Self-Reproducing Ideas
Author: Neil Gershenfeld, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John(ny) von Neumann is most widely known for what’s called the von Neumann computing architecture. He never called it that, and in fact wrote about it only in an influential but fairly dreadful document (von Neumann 1945). That this was not a document for the ages is apparent in its title: “First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC.” It never got beyond a first draft, and it filters his thoughts on how to program a computer through the severe limitations of the system he was programming (1k memory, 1k operations per second).
This report enshrined a technological limitation that we’ve spent decades recovering from. The division of labor between expensive vacuum tubes and slow serial memories is mirrored in what can be thought of as a physics mistake in the Turing machine that influenced him (Turing 1937). This was a theoretical construct that introduced computational universality and undecidability, but in it the tape storing data is distinct from the head processing it. That’s unphysical: memory transistors are as universal as the transistors used in a processor, but data must be shuttled from the former to the latter to be operated in. Only recently have computer architectures overcome that bottleneck by mixing processing with memory.
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