

Complexity, Entropy & the Physics of Information

Complexity, Entropy & the Physics of Information


The specter of information is haunting sciences. With these words, Wojciech H. Zurek invited fellow scientists to attend the 1989 Santa Fe Institute workshop on which this proceedings volume is based. Thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, the quantum theory of measurement, the physics of computation, dynamical systems, molecular biology, and computer science — information remains central to the 32 essays collected in this new edition of Complexity, Entropy & the Physics of Information.

Like the original meeting, this two-volume reprint explores the connections between quantum and classical physics, information and its transfer, computation, and their significance for the formulation of physical theories. A newly written introduction from attendee Seth Lloyd contextualizes the significance of this record of a meeting that marked the intersection of information, physics, complexity, and computation.

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  • Wojciech H. Zurek

Table of Contents

Volume I

Seth Lloyd

Wojciech H. Zurek

Physics of Information

1. Information, Physics, Quantum: The Search for Links, John Archibald Wheeler

2. Information from Quantum Measurements, Benjamin Schumacher

3. Local Accessibility of Quantum States, William K. Wootters

4. The Entropy of Black Holes, V. F. Mukhanov

5. Some Simple Consequences of the Loss of Information in a Spacetime with a Horizon, Shin Takagi

6. Why is the Physical World So Comprehensible? P. C. W. Davies

Laws of Physics & Laws of Computation

7. Algorithmic Information Content, Church–Turing Thesis, Physical Entropy, and Maxwell’s Demon,W. H. Zurek

8. Entropy and Information: How Much Information Is Needed to Assign a Probability? Carlton M. Caves

9. Complexity of Models, J. Rissanen

10. Laws and Boundary Conditions, C.H. Woo

11. How to Define Complexity in Physics, and Why, Charles H. Bennett

Complexity & Evolution

12. Requirements for Evolvability in Complex Systems: Orderly Dynamics and Frozen Components, Stuart A. Kauffman

13. Valuable Information, Seth Lloyd

14. Non-Equilibrium Polymers, Entropy, and Algorithmic Information, Dilip K. Kondepudi

15. The Dynamics of Complex Computational Systems,Tad Hogg

16. Computation at the Onset of Chaos, James P. Crutchfield and Karl Young

Volume II

Physics of Computation

17. Parallel Quantum Computation, Norman Margolus

18. Information Processing at the Molecular Level: Possible Realizations and Physical Constraints, W.G. Teich and G. Mahler

19. How Cheap Can Mechanics’ First Principles Be? Tommaso Toffoli

20. Intermittent Fluctuations and Complexity, Xiao-Jing Wang

21. Information Processing in Visual Perception, A. Zee

Probability, Entropy & Quantum

22.Thermodynamic Constraints on Quantum Axioms, Asher Peres

23. Entropy and Quantum Mechanics, M. Hossein Partovi

24. Einstein Completion of Quantum Mechanics Made Falsifiable, O.E. Rössler

25. Quantum Mechanics and Algorithmic Complexity, J.W. Barrett

26. Probability in Quantum Theory, E.T. Jaynes

27. Quantum Measurements and Entropy, H.D. Zeh

Quantum Theory & Measurement

28. Quantum Mechanics in the Light of Quantum Cosmology, Murray Gell-Mann and James B. Hartle

29. Information Dissipation in Quantum Cosmology and the Emergence of Classical Spacetime, Jonathan J. Halliwell

30. The Quantum Mechanics of Self-Measurement, David Z. Albert

31. The Quantum-Classical Correspondence in Light of Classical Bell’s and Quantum Tsirelson’s Inequalities, L.A. Khalfin

32. Some Progress in Measurement Theory: The Logical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Roland Omnès




Citation Information

Book: Complexity, Entropy & the Physics of Information
Edited by Wojciech H. Zurek
$10.99 (Paperback)
Publisher and imprint: The SFI Press Archive Series
444 pages (volume I); 416 pages (Volume II)
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-947864-27-6 (volume I); 978-1-947864-30-6 (volume II)
Publication Date: February 28, 2023